Original Link: https://www.fredfdn.ca/newsroom/2020/11/17/fredericton-community-foundation-announces-jobs-unlimited-as-recipient-of-29600-impact-grant
We are excited to announce this year’s recipient of the Impact Grant!
The 2020 Impact Grant has been awarded to Jobs Unlimited to create relaxing and stimulating spaces for their service participants! This grant of $29,600 will be used to purchase much-needed equipment and tools that many of us might take for granted. We cannot wait to see how this project will improve the quality of life for their service participants.
Jobs Unlimited is a not-for-profit organization providing employment and work experience opportunities to adults with intellectual disabilities in the greater Fredericton area.
Jobs Unlimited will be creating an accessible outdoor space for their service participants. This space will include a multi-sensory waterfall, a high-back swing seat and frame, and a musical garden.
Additionally, they will be getting an Electrical Side-by-Side Trike, a Beach Chair with wheels, Spray Lights, a platform mat, and a chill comfort swing to help with visual and tactile stimulation.
Each of these installations will provide an incredibly important experience for these individuals. We are honoured to help provide this relaxing and stimulating environment for individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities.
A message of Her Honour, Brenda L. Murphy, Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick

A Message from Richard McGuigan, Chair of the Board of Directors
I’m excited to celebrate the announcement of this year’s Impact Grant recipient and to see how their project is going to make a difference in our community.
Normally at this time of year, we would be celebrating at Government House at a reception hosted by her Honour, Brenda L. Murphy, Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick. Given the current situation with COVID-19, we thought it might be more appropriate to celebrate online.
Most of you are likely aware, but for those of you who aren’t, the Fredericton Community Foundation has been around for more than 60 years. We oversee a portfolio of funds and we ensure that they are invested properly so that the income we generate from those can be used to support local charities on an annual basis. That endowment model means that a gift to the Fredericton Community Foundation is the Gift that keeps on giving.
At the Fredericton Community Foundation, our mission is to help caring donors support community causes that enhance lives, and that is exactly what we have done with this Impact Grant. Please join me in congratulating Jobs Unlimited!
A Message from Germaine Pataki-Thériault, Chair of the Grant Making Committee
Each year, the Fredericton Community Foundation accepts applications from local charities for our largest annual grant. We received 14 excellent applications representing just over $290,000 in need in our community
This year’s recipient rose to the top of the process with an excellent project.
The 2020 Impact Grant has been awarded to Jobs Unlimited to create Relaxing and Stimulating spaces for their clients with intellectual disabilities.