Welcome to Job Unlimited’s new website and blog. This is the place to keep up on everything Jobs Unlimited in Fredericton, and our other partner organizations.
We consider ourselves the employment agency where everyone wins. Jobs Unlimited is a not-for-profit organization providing employment and work experience opportunities to adults with intellectual disabilities in the greater Fredericton area. The community gets hard-working individuals, who are ready and willing to learn. These awesome people learn new skills and gain experience, enabling them to become proud and productive members of society.
Please browse our site to keep up on Jobs Unlimited news, our partner businesses and see how our organization is making a positive impact on the Fredericton community.
On another note, a huge shout out to Sirf Marketing for building our site as winner of their prize in the Fred-E-Scene 2020 Business Directory contest.
Guna Kulasegaram
Executive Director