Here are the services that Jobs Unlimited has to offer:
- To facilitate employment opportunities for individuals who face significant barriers to employment within the community
- Assess long term employability potential and employment barriers
- Develop resumes
- Job readiness training
- Employment placement
- Provide short term on the job training and coaching when necessary
- Provide one on one job search assistance and support
- Long term follow up
- Develop an employment action plan

Target group consists of job ready, eligible clients who are adult residents of the Fredericton Region and who have an intellectual disability, cognitive impairment, ADHD, autism. Targeted clients are willing and able to commit to an employment action plan that will lead to sustainable employment.
- JOB READY: A person who has an identified and realistic employment goal.
- SKILLS: Training and education to meet the employment goal requirements.
- MOTIVATION: To conduct an active job-search. The other identified barriers to employment have been overcome or the identified barrier is such that it would not impact securing or maintaining employment.
Must be employed, job-ready, a member of the target group, a resident of Fredericton Region, legally entitled to work in Canada and have an identified employment need (Barrier) in one or more employability dimensions (career-decision making, skills enhancement, job search and employment maintenance).
Must be willing and able to:
- Actively participate in the labour market.
- Develop a realistic employment action plan.
- Complete interventions.
- Postsecondary Education Training and Labour
- SD Case Managers
- Community Agencies
- Self-referred Occupational Therapists
- Family
Email: [email protected]